FiLa sensor for lactate
FiLa sensor for lactate
FiLa sensor for lactate
FiLa sensor for lactate

FiLa sensor for lactate

Regular price $700.00 Unit price per

Pre-made plasmids expressing FiLa, highly responsive sensor for lactate. FiLa-H is a high affinity variant that can be used for low lactate biological samples. FiLa-L is a low affinity variant that can be used for high lactate biological samples. 

FiLa-C is the control sensor that does not respond to lactate. For precise measurement of lactate level, it is very important and neccessary to use FiLa-C to correct the potential pH effects for live cell studies or in vitro studies.  We recommend customers to purchase FiLa-C together with your order of FiLa sensors.  

Promotion: For FiLa sensor plasmids, customers may enjoy our Buy one and get the second plasmid 50% off promotion policy. Effective during check out.