Pepper Starter Kit for E. coli cells
Pepper Starter Kit for E. coli cells
FR Biotechnology

Pepper Starter Kit for E. coli cells

Regular price $830.00 Unit price per

This starter kit is useful for your first fluorescent RNA labeling and imaging in E. coli cells. The kit includes HBC530 ligands, three 8Xpepper tandem array expressing pET28a plasmids with or without 5' or 3' multiple cloning site.  

  1. HBC530,                         Cat.#: H15301           Size: S
  2. pET28a-8Pepper            Cat.#: PET2808MCS0
  3. pET28a-MCS -8Pepper  Cat.#: PET2808MCS1
  4. pET28a-8Pepper-MCS   Cat.#: PET2808MCS2